A/B test captions & thumbnails? đŸ€Ż

Meta to introduce this feature for Reels! ✹

Hello! ✹

Do you all remember what’s the first storybook you’ve read? The firsts are always the most memorable — surely we all remember our first creation a lot more than our subsequent creations.

Not because they’ve gone viral; despite the low numbers, we perhaps remember them because that’s when we got started.

As we all know: getting started >>>>>>>>>>>

And now, let's see what's brewing hot in the creator economy this week. 💯

In today's Going Solo 👇

  • Friday advice: HĂ©ctor GarcĂ­a Puigcerver on goals

  • Discover a new creator: Alice LemĂ©e for solid advice on freelancing and content

  • News that caught our eye: Meta to introduce more tools to help creators

  • Stuff worth watching: How to focus on stuff like it's 1990

HĂ©ctor GarcĂ­a Puigcerver on Goals

Spanish software engineer, published author and aspiring philosopher, HĂ©ctor GarcĂ­a moved to Japan years ago, and is now a citizen of Japan. His book Ikigai has helped millions of people around the world. We’ve personally gifted it to our loved ones, and everyone says the book has a lot to offer. Because it helps us prioritise and truly make a difference to our lives.

One simple thing that stood out in the book is. đŸ‘‡đŸŒ

If you haven’t read the book, get a copy here. 👇

Alice Lemée Writes About Creativity, Internet Trends & All Things Interesting

Don’t let people tell you that email is dead! 🙉

For we’ve been discovering some amazing creators writing newsletters — and that’s how we stumbled upon Alice LemĂ©e, a freelance writer. Alice runs Internetly, a newsletter which caters to freelancers, digital nomads, and creators.

From teaching you a thing or two about freelancing and creating to suggesting great reads, you should surely check out this newsletter. Plus, she writes helpful threads and tips on Twitter.

We interviewed her for our newsletter. Read the conversation to grab some insights on content and freelancing. 👇

Meta is Stirring the Pot With More Tools for Creators

Well, well, what do we have here? đŸ€©

Meta is introducing A/B testing for Reels so creators can test their captions and thumbnails on their mobile phones. We think this is pretty phenomenal, and we're certain social media managers and creators are waiting for this feature to drop. There's no denying how beneficial this is for creators!

In its official announcement, Meta said, “While creating a Reel on mobile, you can test up to four different captions or thumbnails. Results of the test will appear in your professional dashboard and we’ll automatically display the winning variant on your profile or page unless you change it.”

Plus, it's also experimenting with AI features that can suggest captions and thumbnail options in the future.

Are you excited to use this feature?

Are you excited to A/B test your thumbnails & captions for Reels?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Apart from this BIG BIG feature, it's introducing better and stronger analytics and some more features. Read the entire announcement from Meta. 👇

How to Focus Like It’s 1990s

We're in the attention economy — and let's be honest, it's tough to focus in today's age. 😔

As creators, our days are filled with many beautiful distractions. If you can sit and bleed content without your mind traveling to 100 places, you've won! For the New York Times, Dana G. Smith writes about attention, and how we can focus like it’s the 90s.

From taking breaks to deep reading — this piece covers it all. Read for more deets! 👇

đŸ”„ Brewing Hot

  • Rockstar Games announced GTA 6 after 10 long years, and the gaming world is celebrating! Find out more information here.

  • TikTok is shutting down its $1B creator fund, which was one of the major reasons for creators to stay loyal to the platform. Know more about this announcement here.

  • What’s winning? Short-form content or long-form content? In our latest Creator Deep Dive, our hosts Shubham Tiwari and Shreevar Chhotaria discuss. Watch the entire podcast. 👇

That’s it for this week! We’ll be back with more stories next Friday. đŸ‘‹đŸŒ

Psst. check out our new stuff on YouTube and Instagram.

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Thousand Faces Club is an initiative by Phyllo. Phyllo is the universal API for creator data. Sign up for free!


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