In Conversation: Alice Lemée On Content & Newsletters

gm! ✨

One of the best things about the internet is discovering creators who write immersive stories with an equally exciting social media presence.

Alice Lemée is one such creator whose newsletter and tweets got us hooked! In today's Morning Rush, we're sharing our conversation with her, which covers her growth story and advice to beginner newsletter creators.

But first, who's Alice Lemée?

Now, let’s dive right into the conversation. 👇

Thousand Faces Club: Can you tell us about yourself and what made you start Internetly?

Alice: I'm a full-time freelance writer, part-time digital nomad and creator. I help creator economy companies and influencers grow their business through content creation strategy and storytelling. I started Internetly in 2021 because I wanted to share the process of becoming a freelancer and creator and continue to create my own projects instead of fully devoting myself to my clientele.

Thousand Faces Club: How many followers do you have, and how did you get your first 1,000 followers?

Alice: I currently have a little over 1,500 Internetly subscribers. I got the first 1,000 by sharing the news on my social media (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) and with friends and family. From then, my process has been incredibly simple! I'm consistent (I've skipped maybe 4-5 editions over 1.5 years), and for every edition, I share it on my Twitter account (which has about 21.4K followers).

Thousand Faces Club: What does your content strategy involve?

Alice: It's nothing crazy. First and foremost, I try to be as "authentic" (what a buzzword) as possible. I reveal a certain vulnerability, that you just won't get on Twitter or LinkedIn. Secondly, even though the newsletters mention my life and what I'm up to, I always try to pivot to the reader in the end. I constantly ask myself, "How can I make this useful for them?" I want the reader to feel this newsletter is a gift for them (and not some self-indulgent ego trip).

Check out Alice’s A Freelance Writer’s Guide to Twitter & Personal Branding on Gumroad. 👇

The Freelance Writer's Guide to Twitter ✍️ Build an Audience, Nail Your Personal Brand, and Attract Dream Clients

Being a freelance writer is tough. Wouldn't it be great if you could stand out from the crowd? If you had a strong personal brand to showcase your expertise? If clients came to you instead of relying on cold pitching or sites like Fiverr? A strong Twitter profile is your ticket to a successful freelance writing career. Over the past two years, I've grown my Twitter to 21K + followers while building my freelance writing business. If used correctly, Twitter can be a freelance writer's most powerful asset. It's how I went from countless job rejections to having my DMs full of writing opportunities. Before: After: And now, I'd love to teach you how to use Twitter to generate the same results. Introducing: The Freelance Writer's Guide to Twitter ✍️ This guide includes everything I know about using Twitter to sell your freelance writing services, build a personal brand, and attract your dream clients — even if you have no freelance writing experience. You'll get access to...✔️ My 50 Best Tweets of All Time For You to Steal✔️ 33 Pages in PDF Format ✔️ The 1 Thing You Should Never Do On Twitter✔️ 5 Proven Templates to Sell Yourself as a Freelance Writer ✔️ The 4 Ways to Network on Twitter as a Freelance Writer✔️ A Half Dozen Twitter Tips to Help You Beat the Algorithm✔️ ✨ BONUS ✨ How to Cold Pitch Using Twitter DMs The results...After reading this guide, you'll know how to use Twitter as a way to attract dream clients and stand out from the crowd. But that's just the beginning. Clients will start to come to you, meaning you reclaim the time otherwise spent on cold pitching or freelance marketplaces. Plus, with an established personal brand, clients see you as more legitimate and experienced — meaning you're in a position to raise your rates.Who this is for...This guide is for copywriting, content writing, and content marketing freelancers who are looking to bring their business to the next level. All experience levels are welcome!This guide is primarily for freelancers, but if you're in the field and are looking to switch jobs (or go freelance 😉) this guide is for you, too. Why should I trust you, random lady on the internet?I feel you. The internet can be a shady place. I'm Alice Lemée, a full-time freelance writer and part-time digital nomad. Within 2 years, I used Twitter to: ✔️ Land my 1st client at $250 an article with no previous experience.✔️ Avoid sites like Fiverr or Upwork to find work.✔️ Hit my first $7K+ month after only 10 months of freelancing.✔️ Work with dream clients, including Slow Growth, Miss Excel, On Deck, and Zapier. I'll back Twitter's effectiveness through and through. But if you're still mulling it over, no sweat. In the meanwhile, I want to give you this. It's my free study guide to David Perell's and Mathew Kobach's course on "How to Crush Twitter." Regardless if you purchase or not, I'm here to help you succeed on Twitter in some shape or form. :) And if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to DM on Twitter at alicellemee! The first 20 editions will be sold at $14.99. The next 20 editions will be sold at $19.99.After that, the price bumps to $24.99.

Thousand Faces Club: That sounds awesome! As a creator, how do you approach distribution?

Alice: I'm a bit sheepish to admit I don't have the best distribution! For now, I follow a consistent format I stick to when promoting the newsletter on Twitter. I summarize the top 3 points and put the link in a second tweet right below (so Twitter doesn't suppress my post with the link in it).

Thousand Faces Club: And yet, you grew quite well! All credits to your content. Talking about content, what are the bottlenecks you face while building content or the newsletter?

Alice: The typical bottleneck is feeling like you're too busy to actually create anything! The way I bypass this is with a technique called "make it personal." If I'm about to choose working on a client project over my own, I'll think, "You're letting someone else's goals and agenda get above your own. How does that feel?" The answer is, well, not great. But I use that as fuel to think, "Okay, it's time I power through because I don't want to leave myself behind."

Thousand Faces Club: Right! On a larger level, what are some of the biggest challenges that creators face today?

Alice: It's so easy to want to get swept away by the algorithm's siren call. We've all seen Tweet threads that just compile other threads garner tens of thousands of likes, or threads that start with "Twitter is a university, but 99% don't know how to use it correctly" (IYKY). The real challenge creators face is ignoring the noise, going inward, and creating real, genuine content that comes from their soul. It might not get the resounding applause of the algorithmic newsfeed, but it's certain to inspire a few people more than you could possibly imagine.

Read one of Internetly’s posts here. 👇

Thousand Faces Club: Beautifully said! So, what does 2023 look like and do you plan to monetize your newsletter?

Alice: Yes! In March I'm stepping down from a client to pour more time into monetizing my newsletter. I'm currently on Passionfroot, and they have some pretty solid features to help me find sponsorships. And in 2023, I'm all about less client work and more writing on personal projects. Hope to take Internetly to 5K subscribers. Fingers crossed!

Thousand Faces Club: Got any advice for beginner newsletter creators?

To know more about Alice, follow her on Twitter or check out her website.

That’s it for this week! I’ll be back with another story next Tuesday. 👋🏼

Psst..check out our new stuff on YouTube and Instagram.

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— Sunaina Patnaik

Thousand Faces Club is an initiative by Phyllo. Phyllo is the universal API for creator data. Sign up for free! 👇


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