Want to make money online? 💰

In conversation with Minimalist Hustler! 🔥

Whether you're a creator or work with creators, staying on top of your game requires access to resources, tools, and information for creators. 

That's where Jamie Northrup's Minimalist Hustler comes into the picture. 👇

A newsletter for busy content creators and side hustlers — Jamie helps you discover resources and tools for monetizing your content. We caught up with him to discuss the newsletter, and in today’s Morning Rush, we share this conversation with you. ðŸ’¥

Who’s Jamie Northrup?

Read the entire conversation. 👇

Thousand Faces Club: Can you tell us about yourself and what made you start Minimalist Hustler?

Jamie: I’m from Montreal, Canada, and I’ve been making money online for over 25 years. I have 11 diversified income streams, including blogging, investing, newsletter, freelancing, self-publishing, digital products, print-on-demand, and affiliate marketing. I first had the idea for Minimalist Hustler in February 2020, as part of a New Year’s resolution to try and find ways to make money with less (less investment, fewer customers, less stress — less of everything). In the first two years, I tried several things, some successful, some not, and focused on what worked.

Thousand Faces Club: How would you define your newsletter in 5 words or less?

Jamie: A quick daily income booster. ðŸ’¸

Thousand Faces Club: Many creators struggle to go from 0 to 1. How did you get your first 1,000 followers?

Jamie: Engagement and content are the keys to everything; it doesn’t matter if it’s on IG, Twitter, Medium, Substack, or anywhere else.

Thousand Faces Club: As a creator, how do you approach distribution, and how do you distribute Minimalist Hustler?

Jamie: At first, I really didn’t have a plan, and slowly I’ve created a system that I keep adding to. Right now, I publish a newsletter issue each day. On most days, I tease the following day’s issue on Twitter and repurpose the daily content into a weekly newsletter on Substack. Eventually, I’ll add Instagram, Medium, and maybe some short-form videos (Reels, Shorts, TikTok) to my process, but not until it’s super smooth as is.

Thousand Faces Club: Can you share your growth strategy with our readers?

Jamie:  Right now, it’s mostly through cross-promotions and content creation. I haven’t played the paid game yet but will start soon with these options: FB ads, SparkLoop Partner Network, and newsletter ads (not necessarily in that order).

Thousand Faces Club: How are you monetizing the newsletter?

Jamie: I monetize the newsletter through my sponsor section (affiliate or ad sales) and digital products. I have no plans to change this as I find it a win-win-win.

Thousand Faces Club: You've recently been nominated for the Unsung Content Entrepreneurs Awards by The Tilt. How does it feel?

Jamie: I was completely shocked but grateful to be included among so many awesome creators. It’s also great validation to see my work helping someone out there.

Thousand Faces Club: What are some of the challenges you faced when you started creating content? And how did you overcome them?

Jamie: The biggest challenge is zooming out and playing the long game. It’s what made me quit so many projects over the past 25 years that I now know would have succeeded if I had given them the time.

Thousand Faces Club: Three newsletters every creator must follow?

Jamie: There are so many great ones out there, but here are 3 that I love and never miss. ðŸ‘‡

Thousand Faces Club: Got any advice for beginner newsletter creators?

Jamie: It’s never too soon to start your newsletter, start publishing and monetizing. Just start now.

Thousand Faces Club: What does the future look like?

Jamie: I’d like to continue growing both my daily and weekly newsletters but also add a yearly physical newsletter via the mail. Maybe add some digital products that help people earn more online.

So, that was our conversation with Jamie. Subscribe to Minimalist Hustler to grab insights and tools that'll help you make ðŸ’°.

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I’ll be back with another story next Tuesday. 👋

— Sunaina Patnaik

Thousand Faces Club is an initiative by Phyllo. Phyllo is the universal API for creator data. Sign up for free!


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