Gen Z Favors IG and TikTok over Google Search 🔍

what does that mean for creators?

Is TikTok really done for? 👀

As the US considers banning TikTok, marketers are unsure about how it will impact their strategies and whether Canada will do the same.

We might actually drop a longer analysis piece on this. But before we do that, let's go through our weekly round-up of all that's hot in the creator economy.

In today's Going Solo

  • Quote of the week: Sir Ken Robinson on Originality

  • News that caught our eye: Gen Z prefers Instagram and TikTok over Google for local search.

  • A creator you must check out: The Devil Wears Data

Sir Ken Robinson on Originality

It’s no surprise that we’re all afraid of making mistakes. Will they set us back on our paths or will they haunt us forever? When we’re learning and experimenting with something new, we’re bound to fail. But that’s how we find our niche and voice.

British author and teacher Ken Robinson has a few wise words on originality. 👇🏼

👉 Check out Sir Ken Robinson's books here.

Gen Z prefers Instagram and TikTok over Google for local search

Younger generations especially Gen Z, has changed how we search for things. While older folks might say they'll "Google" something, Gen Z prefers using Instagram and TikTok to find local stuff.

A study with 1,002 people in the U.S. found that for 18 to 24-year-olds, Google now comes in third place.

Younger people prefer visually engaging ways to discover things, not just when it comes to finding places to eat but for various other searches too.

While Google Search and Google Maps are still at the top, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are trying to catch up.

It's certainly a good time to focus on optimising your content and SEO! 🚀

You'll Love This Channel If You're Devil About Data

If you love fashion or are keen to understand the stories behind your favorite lifestyle businesses, you must follow The Devil Wears Data.

This YouTube channel (which also runs a newsletter) offers profound analysis and deep dives on fashion and beauty brands. We love the editorial voice, and although the channel drops only one video a month, it's worth waiting for.

The newsletter has more editions, though. 👇

The last deep-dive on this channel — Why Male Celebs Suddenly Love Skincare — is loaded with great insights and why men's skincare category has many brands but no clear winner.

Watch the video. 👇

🔥 What Else Is Brewing?

That’s it for this week! We’ll be back with more stories next Friday. 👋🏼

Psst. check out our new stuff on YouTube and Instagram.

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