Social media updates overwhelming you? 🥲

This creator simplifies them! 🔥

The beauty of the internet is it has made it easier to discover people doing awesome stuff. ✨

In today's newsletter, we're sharing a quick conversation with Annie-Mai Hodge, who runs Girl Power Marketing.

Her content is a pot of gold for anyone working in social media. Here's all that she does. 👇

What do we know about Annie-Mai Hodge?

Let’s dive right into the conversation. 👇

Thousand Faces Club: Annie, what made you start Girl Power Marketing?

Annie: In 2020, I knew I wanted to start an Instagram to document my marketing journey, help others and make friends, as it was a very lonely time during lockdown. So, I decided on Girl Power Marketing (GPM), and it’s just gone from strength to strength.

Thousand Faces Club: What does Girl Power Marketing do?

Annie: GPM is predominantly an educational resource, and a way for people to not only get into marketing but also allows people of different expertise to level up their skills. Alongside this, GPM is the place to get social media updates (been doing them for well over a year now), and I’ve worked with some incredible clients and brands along the way too since launching as a little business earlier this year.

Thousand Faces Club: That's awesome! You're super active on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram — how do you manage your time?

Annie: Truthfully, I struggle with this, but I make the most of cross-platform posting. If you see something on Twitter from me, you know it’s going to be repurposed for LinkedIn or Instagram, haha!

Thousand Faces Club: You're on top of your game when it comes to sharing social media updates. What are your go-to sources for getting information?

Annie: Social Media Today, TechCrunch and Matt Navarra, for sure.

Thousand Faces Club: How significant is the role of women in shaping the future of marketing?

Annie: The role of any woman in any industry is extremely important. However, we do need to get more women at the table as the corporate world is still predominantly male. Men are making decisions that almost exclusively impact women, especially when it comes to the likes of equal pay. Decisions need to be made with women at the table, and we need to do better at getting women there. We should show support through action, advocate for female leaders and inclusion/education, and provide pay parity and inclusive work cultures.

Thousand Faces Club: How do you deal with information overload and creative burnout?

Annie: Badly, but I’m getting better! I switch off socials, would you believe? And try to make time for things that bring me joy. I love so many different things, so this is quite easy for me. Astronomy, astrology, reading, pottery, painting, writing, gigs — you name it, anything off socials, and I am THERE.

Thousand Faces Club: Do you remember the time you made your first dollar?

Annie: I remember my first paid partnership, and I couldn’t believe someone was paying me for my name/brand. And it’s a feeling I get every single time I get a brand partnership.

Thousand Faces Club: Got any advice for beginner creators?

So, that was our conversation with Annie. Follow GPM to discover more stuff. 👇

So, that’s all for this week. I’ll be back with another story next Tuesday.

Psst..check out our new stuff on YouTube and Instagram.

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— Sunaina Patnaik

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